What types of statements/letters do you provide?
We provide the following statements/letters that confirm your student status:
- Bank letters: Can be used to confirm your student status when applying for a bank account, this can be accessed via Verify.
- Council tax letters: Can be used to apply for council tax exemption, this can be accessed via Verify. Please note that the decision to grant exemption from council tax is at the discretion of the council.
- General proof of registration letters: Confirms that you are registered at the University and can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as address confirmation and in support of Schengen visa applications, this can be accessed via Verify.
- Congregation information letters: Confirms your (expected) graduation details and is often used in support of graduation visa applications, which can be requested by the request form.
- Tuition fee letters: Confirms your student status and your tuition fee charge for the current Academic Year, which can be requested by the request form. Please note that if you need confirmation you have paid your fees, you will need to request a receipt from Accounts Receivable.
- PGT dissertation letters: For eligible PGT students only, confirming that you have completed the taught requirements for your course and are working on your dissertation/waiting for your result. This can be requested by the request form.
- PGR letters : For PGR students who have submitted their Thesis and require a letter thesis submission and viva details, you can order the letter from our Online Shop: PGR Proof of Registration Letter For students who have yet to go into your writing up stage you can access your letters via Verify. For all other PGR students please fill in the request form.
- Proof of study letters: For alumni, confirming your degree. This can also just confirm your dates of attendance if you do not achieve a qualification, this can be accessed via Verify.
- Bespoke letters: If you are on a leave of absence, an external student, or otherwise need a letter not mentioned above, our Student Administration teams can create a bespoke letter for you.
- Pre-2002 letters: If your course commenced before 2002, you can order the letter from our Online Shop: Pre-2002 Proof of Study Letters