Athena Swan Charter

The Athena Swan Charter recognises and celebrates employment practices that address gender inequality in higher education and research. 

The University is committed to the aims and principles of Athena Swan. We currently hold an Athena Bronze Award as an institution and aspire to all of our Schools achieving Athena awards. The majority of Schools in the Colleges of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences and Medical and Dental Sciences hold Athena awards, with a growing number held in the Colleges of Arts and Law and Social Sciences.

View the University's Athena Swan awards

Further information

The Advance HE Athena Swan Charter site has more detailed information about the awards and the assessment process, including the forms to be completed.

Susan Squire is UoB's Staff Diversity Adviser with responsibility for coordinating our Athena work. Please contact Susan if you have any questions about Athena Swan.


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