Off-air TV and radio recordings

BOB (Box of Broadcasts)

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is an off-air streaming service that allows you to pre-schedule the recording of any programme available through Freeview up to one week in advance (and held for one week past), as well as providing access to material held within the extensive (45,000 items) BoB archive. Other features include playlists, clipping and the ability to incorporate content within a VLE. Once you have registered, access is via their standard University username and password. 

BoB has been designed to be compliant with the requirements of the Educational Recording Agency (ERA) licences.

Off-air recordings

The off-air recording service was withdrawn on 1 July 2018. It had not been used for the two academic years prior to withdrawal.

Recording radio yourself

Radio programs can be recorded simply on a PC or Mac using a recording tool such as Audacity. Audacity recordings can be made on a campus PC (if you ask IT Services to install it for you) or at home (as long as you have a moderately good broadband connection).

Audacity can be downloaded from the SourceForge site. We recommend that you install the LAME MP3 encoder too.


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