Supporting staff experiencing domestic abuse

Why is domestic abuse a workplace issue?

  • There are 2.3 million victims of domestic abuse a year in the UK aged 16 to 74 (two thirds of whom are women), with domestic abuse incidents accounting for more than 1 in 10 of all offences recorded by the police 
  • A supportive workplace can enable victims of domestic abuse to safely access support and can make a real difference to an individual’s journey out of an abusive situation
  • Remaining in work - and the economic security, sense of identity and relationships with others that it brings - is vital for victims and survivors of domestic abuse and their recovery 

(Source: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, 2021)

Hidden in Plain Sight - Scottish Women's Aid

Support for staff

We recognise that a significant number of our staff are likely to be affected by domestic abuse at any given time and that a supportive workplace can play a key role in enabling someone to leave an abusive relationship or situation. The University is committed to supporting all members of staff experiencing domestic abuse and is a member of the UK Employer's Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA).

It is important to emphasise that whilst around two thirds of victims of domestic abuse are female, domestic abuse can affect anyone and everyone, regardless of sex, gender identity, culture, ethnicity or socio-economic group. The support we provide for staff is open and can accessed by anyone experiencing domestic abuse:

  • Working with the University unions, we have developed our Framework for Supporting Staff Experiencing Domestic Abuse so that staff and managers have clear guidance on workplace support for staff
  • We have created a resources page of organisations and initiatives to support staff experiencing domestic abuse
  • The Staff ED&I Team host a termly online  workshop (delivered by Women's Aid) that is open to all staff who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding of domestic abuse issues. To register for the next session please email:

What can I do?

Read the University Framework

The Framework for Supporting Staff Experiencing Domestic Abuse has been developed as part of the University’s commitment to providing an inclusive and supportive environment for all staff and in recognition of the fact that a significant number of our staff are likely to be affected by domestic abuse at any given time.

The purpose of the Framework is to:

  • help raise awareness of domestic abuse and the forms it can take
  • provide information for staff experiencing domestic abuse on the ways in which the University can support them
  • provide guidance for managers on their responsibilities if a member of staff is affected by domestic abuse

Come to a lunchtime learning session

The Staff ED&I Team host a termly online workshop (delivered by Women's Aid) that is open to all staff who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding of domestic abuse issues.  To register for a session please click on the date you wish to attend an book a place.

23rd November 2023 11am – 1pm
For Men’s Mental Health Month we are running a more focused Domestic Abuse Awareness Session, that will consider the impact of domestic abuse on men. The session will cover the role of men as allies against abuse and also men as victims of domestic abuse. Everyone is welcome at this session, but we particularly encourage male colleagues to attend and become part of the conversation on domestic abuse.

5th March 2024, 11am-1pm
This Domestic Abuse Awareness session is aimed at all staff with the aim of increasing understanding of domestic abuse & the forms it can take.  Everyone is welcome to attend and become part of the conversation and to find out how to support staff experiencing domestic abuse and what effective workplace support can look like.

16th May 2024, 11am - 1pm
As this session is near Parent & Carers fortnight we are running a slightly more family focused Domestic Abuse Awareness Session, that will consider the impact of domestic abuse on families. The session will cover how we can support our colleagues and become allies against abuse. Everyone is welcome at this session, as we'd encourage all colleagues to attend and become part of the conversation on domestic abuse.

Explore our domestic abuse support resources

We have compiled a range of resources focusing on different types of domestic abuse and a wide range of external support agencies and safe spaces. 


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