New Radio Network on Campus

The on-campus safety of our staff, students and community continues to be our priority.

A digital and comprehensive radio network is an essential part of keeping our university community safe. It is required to support day-to-day operations and is used by all of our services, including our Library, our Guild of Students and our Estates and Campus Services teams. It is also a critical part of delivering large events safely.

Teams from Campus Services, Estates and IT have collaborated to develop an enhanced, improved radio network for our campus. This ensures that our new, comprehensive network meets our community’s modern safety needs.

Our new radio network is now in operation across our University campus and is providing our Security Services team with an enhanced ability to manage our community’s safety. The new network is centrally managed, ensuring resilience for the radio service.

What will this mean for me?

You will not experience any disruption during the implementation of our new radio network.

If a reader is on the old provision and you need to transfer to the new one, or if you feel you need a radio, please contact Neil Anderton:

Radio and GDPR

Our new radio network continues to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA18), ensuring all data is effectively processed and managed. To find out more about the University’s use of personal data, please visit our Data Protection web page.

About University’s Security Services community team

Your Security team are here to offer help, support and advice 24 hours a day, all year round.

Security is here for students, staff and the local community, to make us all safer. We do that in many ways, from responding to situations and patrolling the campus to managing vehicle barriers and planning ahead for emergencies.

Crime prevention is a vital part of our work: we’d much rather prevent a crime than respond to one. That’s why we offer lots of services to help you stay safe, from securing your bike and your home to guidance for when you’re out and about. We also rely on you as a community to help us achieve a safer campus, by reporting it when you see something that’s not right.

We want everyone’s experience here at the University of Birmingham to be a positive one. Please help us make this a reality.

To find out more, visit our Security pages.


Professional Services