PGR Development Opportunities: RDF Domain D


The following development opportunities are available to you across the University to help you meet your development needs in Domain D of Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework:  Engagement, influence and impact. This includes the knowledge and skills to work with others and ensure the wider impact of research.

Vitae have links to related advice and resources and content from around their site.  There are also a number of posts on the UoB PGR Development Blog which relate to this domain.


Working with others (D1)

Communication and dissemination (D2)

Engagement and impact (D3)

Please note: out of consideration for your PGR colleagues and those who deliver these opportunities, please arrive on time and if you signed up in advance but are no longer able to make it, please cancel your place.

If any of these links are broken or you are aware of opportunities in this domain which are not listed here, please send details to


Professional Services