Rainbow Network takes top prize

The Rainbow Network, the University’s staff network for LGBTQ+ staff and PhD students, was pleased to round off LGBTQ+ Pride Month in June by winning “University Network of the Year” at the 2022 Queer Student Awards. A massive congratulations to all involved in the amazing work that they do!

Some of the key strengths highlighted by judges were the Rainbow Network’s peer mentoring for internationally mobile staff, 1:1 meetings to introduce new members to the group, and contributions to the wider political sphere (including explicit recognition in the Women and Equalities Committee report on Reform of the Gender Recognition Act). All of this came at the end of June, which marked Pride Month nationally.

You can find out more and get involved with the work of the Rainbow Network on the intranet. Whilst there, don’t forget to check out the University’s LGBTQ+ ally scheme, a fantastic way to support our wonderfully vibrant community.


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